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Forgot password

Don’t remember your password? Not to worry. Simply follow the instructions below to retrieve your security question and reset your password.

1)      Enter your PrescribersConnection Userid and select Retrieve Question button.

2)      Once the Forgot Password page refreshes, your security Question should display. If your specific question does not display accurately, confirm your Userid. If still incorrect, contact your PrescribersConnection Administrator.

3)      Enter the appropriate response in the security question Answer field.

4)      Next, enter a new PrescribersConnection Password following the same guidelines as previous: Must be at least 8 characters; include at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 special character. Special characters are: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + =  < , > . ? / { [ } ] \ | : ; ' " (space)

5)      Re-enter your new password in the Confirm Password field.

6)      Select the Reset Password button. If successful login, your Partner page will be displayed automatically.

What is your question?

7)      In addition, you should receive a notification email from PrescribersConnection that your PrescribersConnection Configuration Tool password has changed.


Should validation fail during login, a red asterisk will display to the right of the field(s) and the error message(s) will be shown at the bottom of the screen in red font.  All errors must be corrected before successful login can occur.

Forgot Userid

o   Don’t recall your PrescribersConnection Userid? First contact your PrescribersConnection Administrator. You’ll need to verify your information to retrieve the Userid. Plus they can issue a temporary password as well.

o   Your PrescribersConnection Administrator may contact the PrescribersConnection Operations Team directly @ 855-793-9773 Opt. 4 if additional assistance is required.



o   First time users who haven’t logged in once and changed their temporary password will not be able to use this feature as you have not set up your security question yet.

o   Contact your PrescribersConnection Administrator or PrescribersConnection Operations Team directly @ 855-793-9773 Opt. 4. You’ll need to verify your information first then either can issue a temporary password.